Ministries >


Bro. Tommy Miller



Do you need prayer? Do you have any questions? Click here to send Bro. Tommy an email.

Even if you have not joined yet but are thinking about it you can Click here to send Bro. Tommy an email to set up a time to meet and talk.

Did you recently get a new phone number or move? To update your contact information with the church office Click Here.

To see the list of Opportunities to Serve at UVBC in 2024-2025 click here.

How to set up an account on our web page after you join the church. This will let you view the online directory. This is a secure site for active members only, we do not share your information with outside companies. Click here for more Info.

Tithe's and offerings can be put in the secure wooden boxes behind the soundboard, or learn more about our online Giving through the Tithely App click here

What's Happening At Church:

CELEBRATE RECOVERY Meet every Monday, Dinner at 5:30p in the Fellowship Hall, Large group starts at 6:30pm in the sanctuary.

MEN’S FELLOWSHIP BREAKFAST  First Sunday of every month at 7am in the Family Life Center. All men are invited.

WOMEN ON MISSION Meet first Tuesday of every month at 10am in the church library.

SENIOR ADULT LUNCH  Meet the second Monday of every month at 11am in the Family Life Center. Every family bring a dessert.

KIDS JAM…  Meet every Wednesday’s from 6:20-7:30pm. It is never too late for kids to join!

E4-12 Class  Will not meet during the summer, but will start back September 2024. They meet every Tuesday at 6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. Everyone is invited to this free class. Click here for more info.

GREETER MINISTRY If you are willing to help greet at the front door on Sunday's then sign up on the bulletin board and mark the service you want (8:30am or 10:50am).


Remember to pray for the safety of all White County Sherriff Officers.