- Home
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- Staff
- Pastor: Tommy Miller
- Youth Minister: Casey Longing
- Children's Pastor: David Griffin
- Assistant Children's Director: Dana Johnston
- Deacons Ministry
- Financial Administrator: Denise Presley
- Secretary: Jamie Skinner
- Ministries
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- Do You Want To Be Like Jesus
- Church Life Is Not For Sissies!
- The Bible And Government
- Christ My Blueprint
- America Needs Christ!
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- We Are The One Another's
- Unity
- Choose One
- The Big Question!
- A Picture of Grace!
- It's Our Responsibility!
- God Call's
- You Don't Sneak In!
- It's All About Israel
- Where It All Begins
- God's Guarantee
- The Tale Of Two Seeds
- Do You Know?
- The Unmerciful Christian
- The Church Silent
- A New Day Is Coming!
- Is Your Wick Burning?
- Who's Leading Who?
- When A Man Loves A Women
- What Is the Value of What You Give God?
- The Lord In You!
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